Certified Bitcoin Exam Prep Book


The CBP Exam Prep book covers:

  • The History of Money
  • The Digital Economy
  • Cryptography Basics
  • Bitcoin Basics
  • Mining
  • Clients, Wallets, and Key Management
  • Bitcoin Commerce 

For those who are brand-new to the Bitcoin space, or learn best with visual aids and audio, C4 offers a CBP exam prep course through Thinkific.

*Please note that this purchase allows you 2 downloads of the Prep Book*


    If you’ve always wanted to become a Certified Bitcoin Professional, but were unsure about how to get started studying, now’s your chance to Learn More With C4 with our official exam prep book. It covers topics like the history of bitcoin, cryptography, bitcoin basics, mining, and more. Get started, and then get certified as a CBP! 

    This book is best for those who already have some knowledge and understanding about Bitcoin. For those who are brand-new to the Bitcoin space, or learn best with visual aids and audio, C4 offers a CBP exam prep course through Thinkific .

    *Please note that this purchase allows you 2 downloads of the Prep Book*

    If you have any questions or concerns, send an email info@cryptoconsortium.org. Please include all relevant information, such as order number and item ordered.