Auditors Table

Last NameAuditor NameCompany/firmContact informationCertification number Certified Until
AndersonS. Dirk Anderson
0e0addApril 11, 2025
BeytellFerdus Beytell
7kvObmb3pIgAugust 9, 2025
BothaRuan Botha
3ed5c4October 26, 2024
CastaingAlexandre Castaing
1bb98fMay 5, 2025
CiattagliaLuciano Ciattaglia
eFNvH8js1RZAugust 30, 2025
CuchJuan Cuch
2HHFLNT2qWUAugust 30, 2025
DehartMarlene Dehart
40237dFebruary 19, 2025
DhumalAniruddha Dhumal
VP9qBKxzwtmAugust 31, 2025
FatahillahAlkautsar Fatahillah
3rdQvs9Hw1fAugust 31, 2025
HorvathAlexandre Horvath
63bf18February 19, 2025
KrisjanousMarc Krisjanous
PBJ9IHB4iIBJuly 5, 2025
McDougallJosh McDougall
526748April 10, 2025
MssassiSouhail Mssassi
7c70ccNovember 3, 2024
SantiagoWilliam K Santiago
16e1eeApril 6, 2025
SchroederChristopher Schroeder
0fpOlgwPQK3June 24, 2025
SchwedDavid L. Schwed
444935November 4, 2024
van HeerdenCharné van Heerden
GsT2uge5BywJuly 30, 2025
YasmanovychDmytro Yasmanovych
nIWsMtPdGALAugust 30, 2025
LOezgWU3A5yJune 26, 2025

"This is our list of currently certified auditors. Please note that while these individuals have proven their knowledge of the CCSS, C4 does not endorse specific CCSSAs. It is imperative that entities follow best practices for selecting an auditor."

Last NameAuditor NameCompany/firmContact informationCertification number Certified Until
AndersonS. Dirk Anderson
0e0addApril 11, 2025
BeytellFerdus Beytell
7kvObmb3pIgAugust 9, 2025
BothaRuan Botha
3ed5c4October 26, 2024
CastaingAlexandre Castaing
1bb98fMay 5, 2025
CiattagliaLuciano Ciattaglia
eFNvH8js1RZAugust 30, 2025
CuchJuan Cuch
2HHFLNT2qWUAugust 30, 2025
DehartMarlene Dehart
40237dFebruary 19, 2025
DhumalAniruddha Dhumal
VP9qBKxzwtmAugust 31, 2025
FatahillahAlkautsar Fatahillah
3rdQvs9Hw1fAugust 31, 2025
HorvathAlexandre Horvath
63bf18February 19, 2025
KrisjanousMarc Krisjanous
PBJ9IHB4iIBJuly 5, 2025
McDougallJosh McDougall
526748April 10, 2025
MssassiSouhail Mssassi
7c70ccNovember 3, 2024
SantiagoWilliam K Santiago
16e1eeApril 6, 2025
SchroederChristopher Schroeder
0fpOlgwPQK3June 24, 2025
SchwedDavid L. Schwed
444935November 4, 2024
van HeerdenCharné van Heerden
GsT2uge5BywJuly 30, 2025
YasmanovychDmytro Yasmanovych
nIWsMtPdGALAugust 30, 2025
LOezgWU3A5yJune 26, 2025