DevCon Perk! Become a CEP

50% off the Certified Ethereum Professional (CEP) exam for DevCon attendees!

Prove your Ethereum knowledge and become a CEP!

As a Devcon attendee, you are receiving a discounted rate to become a Certified Ethereum Professional! CEPs are knowledgeable about the Ethereum Virtual Machine, transactions, addresses and keys, smart contracts on the Ethereum network, and DeFi.

CEPs have professional working knowledge in 33 topics which cover six (6) domains of Ethereum knowledge that all Ethereum professionals must possess to earn the CEP designation.

ethereum certification

Click here to get your coupon for 50% off the exam (does not include processing fee)

Once you’ve purchased the exam, you can take it whenever you’d like. Coupons expire on October 31, 2022.

You can study for the exam using our CEP study guide and our CEP prep book! 

The exam is currently only available in English.

C4 Guide

About C4

We are a non-profit organization that establishes cryptocurrency standards that help ensure a balance of openness & privacy, security & usability, and trust & decentralization. We offer certifications to professionals who perform cryptocurrency related services. Recipients of each respective certificate have demonstrated comprehensive knowledge in various disciplines ranging from basic cryptography to low-level cryptocurrency development.

Code: V76E25

The CryptoCurrency Security Standard (CCSS) has been updated to version 9.0. See the updated CCSS here.

Systems certified under 8.1 are still valid.