A Certified Bitcoin Professional is knowledgeable about the Bitcoin blockchain, Bitcoin transactions, and how the Bitcoin network operates. CBPs are able to apply Bitcoin technology to their professional area of expertise and understand privacy aspects, double-spending, and other issues that relate to the currency.
These six domains make up the Common Body of Knowledge that all Bitcoin professionals must possess to earn the CBP designation.
The exam includes 75 multiple-choice and true/false questions covering each of the 33 topics listed below. The exam is time-limited to 20 minutes, so you will not have an opportunity to use a search engine. A passing grade of 70% is required to become certified. The purchase of the exam includes one retake. If you fail the exam twice, you can pay to take the exam again.
Once you've paid for the exam, you will have 6 months in which to take your exam from the date of purchase. once you begin the exam you will only have 20 minutes to answer all 75 questions.
We have several study materials available. View our options at https://cryptoconsortium.org/study-materials/.
The use of the certification mark is intended to indicate that the services in association with which it is used are of the following defined standard: services to be provided using the certification mark are provided by persons who have satisfactorily completed an examination prepared and administered by the applicant for the purposes of measuring skill with respect to professional knowledge of exam material as well as acceptance of the applicant’s code of ethics in force at the relevant time. Initial certification is for two (2) years and it is the responsibility of each user of the certification mark to renew his or her certification every two (2) years thereafter by meeting the following requirement: The user must satisfactorily complete a current examination prepared and administered by the applicant for the purposes of ensuring the user possesses professional knowledge of exam material as well as acceptance of the applicant’s code of ethics in force at the relevant time.