Now that you’re certified, you may be wondering how you can share this with others. There is no one right way to do so, but we’ve curated a few examples for you here.
Update your Twitter profile to show your designations & tag @learnmorewithC4.
To share your certification on Linkedin, we recommend using LinkedIn’s native certification sections.
I’m happy to share that I’ve proven my knowledge and have become a Certified Ethereum Professional (CEP) through the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4)!
I’m happy to share that I’ve proven my knowledge and have become a Certified Ethereum Professional (CEP) through the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4)!
Do Not: warp or skew any part of the logo.
Do Not: rotate any part of the logo.
Do Not: flip or transform any part of the logo.
Do Not: recolor any part of the logo.
Do Not: add a stroke to any part of the logo.
Do Not: stylize any part of the logo.