If you've been following along on our C4 blog for all of the #BTC2019 announcements, you can now read all official blog content on Blockchain Training Conference's Medium publication, and on the official BTC website here. We will still keep up our previous posts on the event for you here, but make sure to check out the resources above for new announcements & all you need to know about our upcoming #BTC2019 event in Denver, Colorado August 28-30!
C4 is proud to hosting Blockchain Training Conference 2019 in Denver this August 28-30. BTC is different than your average crypto conference because instead of speakers, we have teachers. This is not a conference where you’ll hear pitches on ICOs from questionable companies. Sponsors don’t get stage time simply because they’re helping pay for the event. Every course session is designed with two or more learning objectives, and every teacher cares that you learn something useful from their session. With almost 16 hours of educational content, it’s like you’re getting an entire college course, condensed into just three days. On top of all of this, you also have the chance to earn your Certified Bitcoin Professional designation onsite or online as part of your ticket purchase to BTC.
We’re excited to spotlight some of our BTC2019 teachers this year, and today, we’d like to introduce you to Stefan Beyer, PhD. Stefan will be teaching “Smart Contract Development - Security and Best Practice.” Check out our chat with Stefan to learn more:
How did you get involved in your subject area & why are you passionate about teaching it?
I started in academic computing research in 2004 (pre-Bitcoin). After moving into the industry, I became head of R&D of a large cybersecurity company and now combine the two subjects. I am convinced that smart contracts will form the base layer for a new finance system, and will be used to automate many business interactions. I believe that all smart contract programmers should be aware of the pitfalls involved with security.
Why do you think certifications and standards are important in the blockchain industry today?
Like any new industry, the blockchain ecosystem has grown dynamically, driven by implementers. This naturally leads to certain incompatibilities in terms of different technological approaches but also in terminology. It is important to standardize certain things at the technical level, for example how identities are managed on the blockchain, in order to make these new systems interoperable. Furthermore, it is important to make sure all stakeholders speak the same language. For example, not everything that is called a consensus protocol these days really is a consensus protocol.
Why have you decided to teach a session at #BTC2019?
I am worried about the quality of blockchain professionals and the reputation this new industry is becoming. I would like to participate in the adequate training of blockchain developers.
We’re looking forward to attending Stefan’s master class at BTC2019! Make sure to join us by getting your tickets here.
C4 is proud to hosting Blockchain Training Conference 2019 in Denver this August 28-30. BTC is different than your average crypto conference because instead of speakers, we have teachers. This is not a conference where you’ll hear pitches on ICOs from questionable companies. Sponsors don’t get stage time simply because they’re helping pay for the event. Every course session is designed with two or more learning objectives, and every teacher cares that you learn something useful from their session. With almost 16 hours of educational content, it’s like you’re getting an entire college course, condensed into just three days. On top of all of this, you also have the chance to earn your Certified Bitcoin Professional designation onsite or online as part of your ticket purchase to BTC.
We’re excited to spotlight some of our BTC2019 teachers this year, and today, we’d like to introduce you to Rodney MacInnes. Rodney will be teaching “AML & Fraud for Crypto.” Check out our chat with Rodney to learn more:
How did you get involved in your subject area & why are you passionate about teaching it?
In 2008, while working at a large money services business (MSB), I was approached by our General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer. He asked how I felt about joining the compliance team. I asked, "Does that get me off the phone doing cold calling?" I quickly developed a passion for compliance and process engineering, and well, the rest is history.
I fell down the Bitcoin rabbit hole in 2013. But after being dragged to dozens of meetups in Toronto, I was lost, confused and frustrated. It was at that point, when complaining to my business partner about not knowing what anyone is ever talking about, that she gave me a simple challenge. Her words were, "So do something about it!" So I started to learn, continued to learn and never looked back. Since then I have been somewhat obsessed with how Bitcoin and other technologies are impacting not only the financial and regulatory landscape, but the world in general. We all have to start somewhere. I am passionate about providing a gateway to those willing to make the effort to learn.
Why do you think certifications and standards are important in the blockchain industry today?
I work in anti-money laundering (AML) day-to-day and in our industry there is one standard for certification. It is the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, or CAMS, certification. It is a prerequisite for almost any job, regardless of your knowledge, position or experience. It says, this person has spent the time to learn and knows their subject matter. AML, being a fairly new industry (less than 20 years), is similar to the Bitcoin space. Due to the lack of understanding generally, a certification is an easy and reliable way to support your claims of expertise or verify someone else's.
Why have you decided to teach a session at #BTC2019?
One of the core beliefs where I work at Outlier is that information should be free. For a long time, big consulting firms would keep information close to their chest and charge clients for the privilege to get it. We have a funny rule at Outlier. We call it the “Beetlejuice Rule.” If we hear the same question or request 3 times, a blog post appears (Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice... get it?). Information is meant to be free. It benefits anyone who needs it. Being granted the opportunity to share information with a larger crowd of like-minded individuals directly aligns with part of our mission.
We’re looking forward to attending Rodney’s master class at BTC2019! Make sure to join us by getting your tickets here.
C4 is proud to hosting Blockchain Training Conference 2019 in Denver this August 28-30. BTC is different than your average crypto conference because instead of speakers, we have teachers. This is not a conference where you’ll hear pitches on ICOs from questionable companies. Sponsors don’t get stage time simply because they’re helping pay for the event. Every course session is designed with two or more learning objectives, and every teacher cares that you learn something useful from their session. With almost 16 hours of educational content, it’s like you’re getting an entire college course, condensed into just three days. On top of all of this, you also have the chance to earn your Certified Bitcoin Professional designation onsite or online as part of your ticket purchase to BTC.
We’re excited to spotlight some of our BTC2019 teachers this year, and today, we’d like to introduce you to Taylor Monahan. Taylor will be teaching “Balancing Security and Usability in Crypto Products.” Check out our chat with Taylor to learn more:
How did you get involved in your subject area & why are you passionate about teaching it?
Experience, experience, experience and flying by the seat of my pants! Hopefully others can learn from my experiences and knowledge and be better informed than I was when starting out.
Why do you think certifications and standards are important in the blockchain industry today?
This space is still in its infancy and we are still building the foundation that will carry us for years to come. By ensuring we have comprehensive certifications and standards in place now, we can build faster, stronger, and more collaboratively. In turn, this produces better products, better people, and builds trust amongst each other and for newcomers to the space.
Why have you decided to teach a session at #BTC2019?
This space is so unique and access to knowledge and expertise can be hard to find at times. When I was first starting out, I learned a lot of things the hard way. By sharing my knowledge, I hope I can prevent the next generation of product creators from making the same mistakes myself and others have made.
We’re looking forward to attending Taylor’s master class at BTC2019! Make sure to join us by getting your tickets here.
Open blockchains are revolutionizing multiple industries as our variety of teachers for BTC2019 will demonstrate in August. Bitcoin was just the beginning of proving the concept of blockchains but now we’re seeing major tech players joining this emerging industry.
This week, Facebook made their official entrance into the cryptocurrency space by announcing the launch of Libra, their version of a global currency, in 2020. The social media giant’s cryptocurrency is huge news for anyone involved in the blockchain industry and the broader financial and tech industries. Those who have been around the crypto community awhile (including ones you’ll see at our conference) have been predicting larger tech companies’ foray into the blockchain industry for years.
Facebook has been plagued by privacy breaches and mismanagement of sensitive user data in the past so it remains to be seen how well they’ll be able to manage their own blockchain network. The description of Libra has the network utilizing an open blockchain which should allow for a greater degree of transparency than closed blockchains promoted by others. Closed, also known as permissioned, blockchains are sometimes more scalable than their open/public counterparts but are subject to more centralized control. Both closed and open blockchains have different intricacies based on their usage and the preferences of their creators--it’s vital to know the differences if operating in the industry at any level.
Our team sees the value in open, permissionless blockchains and believe they are going to be utilized by more and more companies and industries in the future. You don’t want to be in the dark during this exciting time in history where you’ll be seeing terms like “open blockchains” “permissioned ledgers” and “decentralization” more and more in the news. Be on the cutting edge of a space that tech behemoths like Facebook and others are fascinated with; learn the terms and traits of various blockchains by registering for BTC2019 today.
C4 is proud to hosting Blockchain Training Conference 2019 in Denver this August 28-30. BTC is different than your average crypto conference because instead of speakers, we have teachers. This is not a conference where you’ll hear pitches on ICOs from questionable companies. Sponsors don’t get stage time simply because they’re helping pay for the event. Every course session is designed with two or more learning objectives, and every teacher cares that you learn something useful from their session. With almost 16 hours of educational content, it’s like you’re getting an entire college course, condensed into just three days. On top of all of this, you also have the chance to earn your Certified Bitcoin Professional designation onsite or online as part of your ticket purchase to BTC.
We’re excited to spotlight some of our BTC2019 teachers this year, and today, we’d like to introduce you to Hannah Rosenberg. Hannah will be teaching “Bitcoin & Lightning for Commerce.” Check out our chat with Hannah to learn more:
How did you get involved in your subject area & why are you passionate about teaching it?
I studied economics in university and became very interested in monetary theory. I’m also a big tech nerd who spent years as a web developer doing a lot of e-commerce work. I love to hangout anywhere that markets and technology collide. Both of these are incredibly empowering. I’d love to see the world using better money and better technology that enables better markets.
Why do you think certifications and standards are important in the blockchain industry today?
In such a new industry, especially one focused on money, there is a lot of misinformation out there, and a frightening amount of pretend “experts.” Certifications from a well-respected organization helps to sort through this maze. It helps learners gain confidence in their knowledge. And obtaining a certification helps instill confidence in your knowledge to employers, colleagues, and clients.
Why have you decided to teach a session at #BTC2019?
7 years ago I realized the potential of this technology and I’ve been “teaching” it to anyone who I could get to listen ever since. When the opportunity arrives to teach what you love on a professional level, you take it!
We’re looking forward to attending Hannah’s master class at BTC2019! Make sure to join us by getting your tickets here.
We’ve talked a lot about the unparalleled educational value you’re getting as an attendee of Blockchain Training Conference 2019. Our team is dedicated to bringing you the highest standards in the blockchain industry, but we’re also comprised of community veterans who understand that some experiences can’t be quantified.
While you’ll be gaining exclusive access to career enhancing curriculum at BTC2019, you’ll also be meeting people from around the world who will be lifelong friends. In fact, that’s how many of us on the BTC2019 team met.
We all came from a variety of backgrounds outside the crypto community and were unified by our passion for decentralized technology. Some of us built standard-setting organizations to increase professionalism in the space, some quit their corporate jobs to travel the world full time to share the power of blockchain technology and others have found ways to incorporate this groundbreaking technology into their existing specialities. Blockchain technology has brought us together through a shared interest and our diverse perspectives have helped us grow not only in professional ways, but personal ways as well. It all started by attending events like the very one we’re organizing and that’s what we want to bring to you.
The enthusiasm for blockchain technology is infectious and global. Meetups are held around the world bringing new people into the fold daily, and we’ve been lucky enough to find kindred spirits in all parts of the globe. The allure of decentralization isn’t just financial; it’s liberatory on a social level. Blockchain technology and blockchain enthusiasts transcend borders naturally. Something we all have in common is our skepticism of the status quo as being the only way to transact, organize data or simply exist in this fast changing world. The folks attending BTC2019 look at solutions a little differently, and within the diverse blockchain space, you can find your people.
Untether yourself from outdated systems by joining the mavericks building the future of decentralized tech. Come find your international tribe at BTC2019. Learn. Apply. Grow.
Continuing your career competency through personal development can set you up for much more than just a great job.
Albert Einstein once said, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” So what have you done lately to continue your journey of lifelong learning? Maybe you’re currently taking a course in something that you're passionate about, reading a book to help you continue mastering a craft, or maybe you’ve found yourself watching endless YouTube videos about technology new to your field. Building an educational foundation is important in any career, but becoming a certified professional as part of your personal development can offer you so much more than just a great job. Here are three reasons to earn your blockchain certification with C4 as part of your own personal development at Blockchain Training Conference this August:
Personal development helps you set goals and expectations for yourself.
Let’s be honest- it’s important to set both personal and professional goals in life. Balance is key! The great thing about earning your blockchain certification is that you can fulfill both of these goals at once. Been telling yourself you want to master something new as a personal goal? Our curriculum at Blockchain Training Conference will help you do just that! Have you also considered upping your technological competency in your particular field? Blockchain certification will show any employer that you’re keeping up with the most cutting-edge technological advancements!
Personal development helps you build your professional brand & expand your network.
In the current world of social media, having a personal brand has become necessary to stand out in a professional crowd. Earning your blockchain certification can not only help you do just that, it also adds a stamp of credibility to your brand. You wanted to master something new and you did! Now you also have the certification to prove it. Beyond adding trustworthiness to your personal brand, blockchain certification through C4 can also help you expand your professional network. You’ll meet others accomplishing their own personal and professional goals at Blockchain Training Conference 2019, and you’ll be an official part of the C4 network after earning your CBP with us. The relationships you build with other industry professionals at BTC2019 can lead to lifelong friendships or even help launch you into your dream career.
Personal development can give you the confidence you need to start an entirely new career.
Not happy with your current role or even your current career? Wanting to make a switch to a different position or start over entirely? Today, that doesn’t require going back to school for a whole new degree. You can start getting the experience and credibility you need to jumpstart a brand new career with professional blockchain certification. There are new roles opening in the blockchain industry across fields including software development, information technology, marketing, supply chain management, law, accounting, business and more. If you’ve been looking for an excuse to start a new role or career, earning your CBP with C4 can help you do it!
C4 is a big proponent of lifelong learning, so continue your professional development journey by joining us in Denver this August 28-30 at Blockchain Training Conference. Not only will you be eligible to earn your CBP on-site or online with your ticket purchase, you can also expect to attend curated and exclusive networking events to meet other professionals. If you’re already an experienced blockchain professional, you may want to consider attending the BTC2019 workshop for CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditors, which you can learn more about here.
Get all of the information you need + tickets for BTC2019 here. We look forward to meeting you in Denver this August!
C4 is proud to hosting Blockchain Training Conference 2019 in Denver this August 28-30. BTC is different than your average crypto conference because instead of speakers, we have teachers. This is not a conference where you’ll hear pitches on ICOs from questionable companies. Sponsors don’t get stage time simply because they’re helping pay for the event. Every course session is designed with two or more learning objectives, and every teacher cares that you learn something useful from their session. With almost 16 hours of educational content, it’s like you’re getting an entire college course, condensed into just three days. On top of all of this, you also have the chance to earn your Certified Bitcoin Professional designation onsite or online as part of your ticket purchase to BTC.
We’re excited to spotlight some of our BTC2019 teachers this year, and today, we’d like to introduce you to Stephanie Murphy, PhD. Stephanie will be teaching “Crypto for Creatives,” a course on how creative professionals, freelancers, digital nomads, and small business entrepreneurs can earn cryptocurrency and incorporate it into their small businesses. Check out our chat with Stephanie to learn more:
How did you get involved in your subject area & why are you passionate about teaching it?
In 2013, I made a career change from being a biomedical scientist to becoming a voice actor who specializes in medical and scientific content. I was also excited about bitcoin at the time, and from the beginning of when I started my voice acting business, I was brainstorming ways to incorporate and earn bitcoin in my business. I received my first bitcoin ever as a donation to my podcast, and that got me really excited! I began thinking of more ways to earn it, and over the years I've amassed a lot of practical ways to incorporate cryptocurrency into any kind of small business that I want to share with the conference attendees. There are also great reasons to acquire crypto by earning it- although this way of obtaining crypto is often overlooked.
Why do you think certifications and standards are important in the blockchain industry today?
In a new industry full of confusing jargon and rapid growth within the space, it's hard to know who to trust- or who is even giving correct information! Professional standards are helpful to at least show that someone knows the basics and cares about building a reputation.
Why have you decided to teach a session at #BTC2019?
I'm excited to meet other small business entrepreneurs and share with them how they can grow their business and stay on top of future trends by incorporating cryptocurrency. We all benefit by sharing knowledge and not having to figure things out the hard way!
We’re looking forward to attending Stephanie’s master class at BTC2019! Make sure to join us by getting your tickets here.
There are experts & then there are those with the certification to prove it.
Certifications communicate to your employer that you’re well qualified, motivated to continue mastering your career path, and that you’re focused on long-term learning. Along with verifying your expertise in a specialty, certifications can also help you find better work, earn more money or even launch you into a new career. Here are four reasons to earn your blockchain certification with C4 at Blockchain Training Conference this August:
Certification is a Stamp of Excellence:
Whether you’re currently in a blockchain or cryptocurrency related field, or you’re a working professional in an area like accounting, sales, marketing, education, project management, IT, law or supply chain management, earning your Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) with C4 tells your employers, peers and coworkers that you’re qualified. Whether you’re looking to be the expert in your field on all of the ways blockchain technology could propel or change your industry, or you’re working in crypto and want to prove you really know your stuff, earning your CBP shows people you’re a serious and verified professional.
Certifications Can Help Get You Hired:
Hiring employers want to know that you have the knowledge, experience, and certifications necessary for your field. Especially in the emerging field of blockchain technology where unfortunate scams have been commonplace, employers need assurance that their employees are competent in the most trusted solutions. By earning your CBP at Blockchain Training Conference 2019, you can make yourself very competitive for potential employers while also learning exactly what you need to know about blockchains from the world’s experts.
Earning Your Certification Could Earn You More Money:
Certifications show your commitment to lifelong learning and to your career. Both of these are qualities hiring managers tend to look for in a potential employee. You’ve proven it’s important to you to invest in yourself; now your potential employer may want to invest more in you financially. Some estimates show that having certification could even increase your salary by 10% or more so committing to your further education is worth it.
Certifications Keep You Up-to-Date:
Technology is one of the fastest growing fields globally. Earning your blockchain certification at BTC2019 is proof that you’re educated on the most current information in this space. Remaining competitive in your field can be difficult, but by earning your CBP, you can show others that you’re up-to-date on the latest blockchain technologies and regulations affecting your field.
C4 is a big proponent of lifelong learning, so keep growing your professional knowledge by joining us in Denver this August 28-30 at Blockchain Training Conference. Not only will you be eligible to earn your CBP on-site or online with your ticket purchase, you can also expect to attend curated and exclusive networking events to meet other professionals. If you’re already an experienced blockchain professional, you may want to consider attending the BTC2019 workshop for CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditors, which you can learn more about here.
Get all of the information you need + tickets for BTC2019 here. We look forward to meeting you in Denver this August!
Can’t make it to the playa this year? Burn down ignorance with us at BTC2019!!
Did you miss out on snagging tickets to Burning Man this year? Then join us for Learning Man, a.k.a Blockchain Training Conference (BTC2019), in Denver August 28-30! Here are just some of the things you can look forward to at BTC2019:
More on BTC2019
C4 is proud to be hosting the second ever Blockchain Training Conference (BTC) Aug. 28-30 at Hyatt Regency Denver Aurora Conference Center in Denver, Colorado. BTC2019 follows the highly successful, first educational Blockchain Training Conference originally set in Toronto, Canada in 2016. Organized in partnership with aantonop Events, BTC2019’s motto is “Learn. Apply. Grow.” and it’s also our promise.
So if you can’t make it to Black Rock City this year, don’t fret. Join us in the Mile High City for BTC2019 and get your learn on. Snag your tickets here!
More information on blockchaintraining.org.
We’ve got the tips you need to talk to your manager today.
Want to attend BTC2019 and have your company foot the bill? Here are our tips for pitching your boss on why they should let you attend and pay for it:
**Step 1: BTC is offering discounts for groups of 5+. If there are others at your place of work interested in attending the conference together, connect with them so you can talk to your manager together. **
If you or your company are looking for a group ticket discount, please contact tickets@blockchaintraining.org for more information on pricing.
Step 2: Set a time to talk with your manager. Get them all of the conference information & have a discussion together. Here are some questions to talk through as a team:
What is Blockchain Training Conference?
Learn.Apply.Grow. That’s our motto and it’s also our guarantee. BTC is the leading blockchain & cryptocurrency educational conference offering professional & technical sessions which prepare you to earn the world’s first globally recognized blockchain certification. It is hosted by us, CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4), a non-profit which exists to establish the industry’s cryptocurrency standards. Take a look at C4’s board members & Code of Ethics here.
When and where is BTC2019?
Blockchain Training Conference is proud to be hosting our 2019 event in Denver, CO at the Hyatt Regency Denver Aurora Conference Center August 28-30.
What educational tracks are available at the conference?
Basic: Are you a student or professional new to blockchains and cryptocurrencies? Learn key industry concepts like ledger-based economics, basic cryptography, bitcoin basics, and cryptocurrency commerce.
Professional: Are you a working professional currently wondering how blockchains could become a part of your career? This track is perfect for individuals working in areas like accounting, sales, marketing, education, information technology, project management, law, supply chain management, and more.
Developer: Are you a software developer with a strong technical background interested in blockchain technology? Learn the programming and technical elements of bitcoin, security, smart contracts, and developing on the bitcoin and ethereum platforms with this track.
*Additionally, the 6 hour CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditor (CCSSA) workshop will be available to prepare current and aspiring security professionals to sit for the CCSSA exam. Note, the CCSSA workshop requires a special ticket for an additional fee that includes the CCSSA workshop option.
Step 3: Discuss how their investment in you is an investment in their company. Make sure to touch on the following:
**How can attending BTC2019 benefit your company? **
If you’re already working for a cryptocurrency or blockchain company, attending BTC2019 is an incredible way to further your technical skills while also gaining the certification that can set your company apart in the space.
If you’re working for a company that isn’t directly involved in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries, attending BTC2019 will help you learn the technical skills to make your company more competitive with this advancing technology. Learn how cryptocurrency and blockchains are changing industries like accounting, sales, marketing, education, information technology, project management, law, supply chain management, and more. Keep your company at the forefront of its industry with BTC’s training and certification.
Step 4: Talk about the incredible value of the ticket cost, including the option to become a certified industry professional:
What is included with the price of my ticket?
We hope this helps you talk to your manager about attending Blockchain Training Conference 2019!
Need more information?
Visit the official #BTC2019 website to learn more today!
**No matter your blockchain and cryptocurrency proficiency, BTC2019 has a track for you. **
This year, we are proud to offer three educational tracks for BTC attendees. Our learning sessions are carefully curated to make you confident in your understanding of blockchain technology whether you’re just getting started or are already knowledgeable. Taught by industry luminaries, our sessions will prepare you to master the Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) exam so you leave with tangible “proof-of-work” in the form of a certificate. All BTC attendees are eligible to take the CBP exam for free with their ticket purchase.
Wondering where you might fit in at BTC2019? Check out our tracks:
Basic: Are you a student or professional new to blockchains and cryptocurrencies? Learn key industry concepts like ledger-based economics, basic cryptography, bitcoin basics, and cryptocurrency commerce.
Professional: Are you a working professional currently wondering how blockchains could become a part of your career? This track is perfect for individuals working in areas like accounting, sales, marketing, education, information technology, project management, law, supply chain management, and more.
Developer: Are you a software developer with a strong technical background interested in blockchain technology? Learn the programming and technical elements of bitcoin, security, smart contracts, and developing on the bitcoin and ethereum platforms with this track.
Additionally, the 6 hour CryptoCurrency Security Standard Auditor (CCSSA) workshop will be available to prepare current and aspiring security professionals to sit for the CCSSA exam. Note, the CCSSA workshop requires a special ticket that includes the CCSSA workshop option (additional fee).
Get Tickets
Get your ticket while supplies last today on BTC’s website.
More on BTC
C4 is proud to be hosting the second ever Blockchain Training Conference (BTC) Aug. 28-30 at Hyatt Regency Denver Aurora Conference Center in Denver, Colorado. BTC2019 follows the highly successful, first educational Blockchain Training Conference originally set in Toronto, Canada in 2016. Organized in partnership with aantonop Events, BTC2019’s motto is “Learn. Apply. Grow.” and it’s also our guarantee. Whether you’re interested in basic, professional, or our developer tracks, we look forward to meeting you in Denver this August 28th-30th.
Are you passionate about sharing your blockchain and cryptocurrency knowledge with others? Apply today!
C4 is actively seeking teachers to lead a session at Blockchain Training Conference (BTC) August 28th-30th, 2019. Are you an expert on a blockchain or cryptocurrency topic? We would love to hear from you! Here’s what you can expect as a BTC2019 teacher and how to apply:
What will teaching a BTC session look like?
Every teacher will instruct a 45-minute session on a topic related to cryptocurrencies and/or blockchains. BTC2019 has three educational tracks: basic, professional, and developer. Your session should be personalized to one or more of these audiences; some sessions will apply to multiple tracks.
What topics are available to teach at BTC2019?
We are looking for teachers for our basic, professional, and developer tracks in areas like: bitcoin and blockchain basics, ledger-based economics, basic cryptography, bitcoin basics, cryptocurrency commerce; courses for professionals in accounting, sales, marketing, education, project management, IT, law, or supply chain management; the technical elements of bitcoin, security, smart contracts, developing on the bitcoin and ethereum platforms and more. If you have a topic that is not listed here, apply! We are always looking for engaging new sessions.
How does C4 assist in preparing teachers for BTC2019?
Every BTC2019 teacher will be provided with written materials, quality training, and a 1:1 review of their teaching session with the BTC2019 educational director. We help every teacher prepare for classroom excellence.
What else can I expect for donating my time as a teacher to BTC2019?
Since C4 is a non-profit, we are seeking teachers who are willing to donate their time and expertise to this educational event. Every teacher will receive full admission to the conference, admission to an exclusive Teacher’s Dinner the night before the event with a guest of their choice, professional photo and video content they can use for future promotional purposes, and the recognition that they were chosen to instruct a course for the blockchain industry’s leading certification organization, C4.
Can I apply to teach a session on my company or ICO?
No! Please remember that BTC2019 is strictly an educational event. We are preparing individuals to become industry leaders. Our event is a no-shill zone and we take this ethos very seriously.
Still interested? Apply here today!
BTC2019 tickets are now on sale for the limited Early Bird price of $699 through May 29th.
C4 is proud to be hosting the second ever Blockchain Training Conference (BTC) Aug. 28-30 at Hyatt Regency Denver Aurora Conference Center in Denver, Colorado. BTC2019 follows the highly successful, first educational Blockchain Training Conference originally set in Toronto, Canada in 2016. Organized in partnership with aantonop Events, BTC2019’s motto is “Learn. Apply. Grow.” and it’s also our guarantee. Early Bird tickets are on sale today through May 29th at the Early Bird price of $699. Here’s what you can expect with your ticket purchase:
Curious about how we’re structuring this year’s event? BTC2019 has three different tracks for attendees:
Basic: Are you a student or professional new to blockchains and cryptocurrencies? Learn key industry concepts like ledger-based economics, basic cryptography, bitcoin basics, and cryptocurrency commerce.
Professional: Are you a working professional currently wondering how blockchains could become a part of your career? This track is perfect for individuals working in areas like accounting, sales, marketing, education, information technology, project management, law, supply chain management, and more.
Developer: Are you a software developer with a strong technical background interested in blockchain technology? Learn the programming and technical elements of bitcoin, security, smart contracts, and developing on the bitcoin and ethereum platforms with this track.
As mentioned, BTC2019 is also offering the CCSSA workshop add-on for those who qualify.
Early bird $699 tickets are available now through May 29th ONLY. That’s a value of less than $43 an hour for class time alone! Get your ticket while supplies last today on BTC’s website.
We look forward to meeting you in Denver this August!